EmguCV Image Process: Estimating Projective Relations in Images
參考OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook第九章
Calibrating a camera
Computing the fundamental matrix of an image pair
Matching images using random sample consensus
Computing a homography between two images
前一篇介紹了如何透過兩張不同的角度影像取出fundamental matrix
透過SURF feature detector能夠個別取出兩張影像的feature points
這時希望找到對應的match feature points能夠落在前一篇所提的epipolar lines上
那要計算出epipolar lines就必須計算出fundamental matrix
但要計算出fundamental matrix又必須透過好的match feature points
class RobustMatcher { //pointer to the feature point detector object private Feature2DBase<float> _Detector; //max ratio between 1st and 2nd NN private float _Ratio; //if true will refine the F matrix private bool _RefineF; //min distance to epipolar private double _Distance; //confidence level (probabillity) private double _Confidence; public RobustMatcher() { this._Ratio = 0.55f; this._RefineF = true; this._Distance = 3.0; this._Confidence = 0.99; this._Detector = new SURFDetector(100, false); } ... }建立一個RobustMatcher
/// <summary> /// Match faeture points using symmetry test and RANSAC /// </summary> /// <param name="image1">input image1</param> /// <param name="image2">input image2</param> /// <param name="keypoints1">output keypoint1</param> /// <param name="keypoints2">output keypoint2</param> /// <returns>return fundemental matrix</returns> public Image<Gray, Byte> Match(Image<Gray, Byte> image1, Image<Gray, Byte> image2,out VectorOfKeyPoint keypoints1,out VectorOfKeyPoint keypoints2) { //1a. Detection of the SURF features keypoints1 = this._Detector.DetectKeyPointsRaw(image1, null); keypoints2 = this._Detector.DetectKeyPointsRaw(image2, null); //1b. Extraction of the SURF descriptors Matrix<float> descriptors1 = this._Detector.ComputeDescriptorsRaw(image1, null, keypoints1); Matrix<float> descriptors2 = this._Detector.ComputeDescriptorsRaw(image2, null, keypoints2); //2. Match the two image descriptors //Construction of the match BruteForceMatcher<float> matcher = new BruteForceMatcher<float>(DistanceType.L2); //from image 1 to image 2 //based on k nearest neighbours (with k=2) matcher.Add(descriptors1); //Number of nearest neighbors to search for int k=2; int n = descriptors2.Rows; //The resulting n*k matrix of descriptor index from the training descriptors Matrix<int> trainIdx1 = new Matrix<int>(n, k); //The resulting n*k matrix of distance value from the training descriptors Matrix<float> distance1 = new Matrix<float>(n, k); matcher.KnnMatch(descriptors2, trainIdx1, distance1, k, null); matcher.Dispose(); //from image 1 to image 2 matcher = new BruteForceMatcher<float>(DistanceType.L2); matcher.Add(descriptors2); n = descriptors1.Rows; //The resulting n*k matrix of descriptor index from the training descriptors Matrix<int> trainIdx2 = new Matrix<int>(n, k); //The resulting n*k matrix of distance value from the training descriptors Matrix<float> distance2 = new Matrix<float>(n, k); matcher.KnnMatch(descriptors1, trainIdx2, distance2, k, null); //3. Remove matches for which NN ratio is > than threshold int removed = RatioTest(ref trainIdx1, ref distance1); removed = RatioTest(ref trainIdx2, ref distance2); //4. Create symmetrical matches Matrix<float> symMatches; int symNumber = SymmetryTest(trainIdx1, distance1, trainIdx2, distance2, out symMatches); Matrix<float> fundementalMatrix = RANSACTest(symMatches, keypoints1, keypoints2, symNumber, image2); return null; }這裡Match的方法帶入兩張要比較的影像,以及回傳取得的key points (也就是featue points)
個別取出key points之後
再透過BruteForceMatcher找出對應於兩張影像的key points
過濾一些key points
/// <summary> /// Clear matches for which NN ratio is > than threshold /// </summary> /// <param name="trainIdx">match descriptor index</param> /// <param name="distance">match distance value</param> /// <returns>return the number of removed points</returns> int RatioTest(ref Matrix<int> trainIdx, ref Matrix<float> distance) { int removed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < distance.Rows; i++) { if (distance[i, 0] / distance[i, 1] > this._Ratio) { trainIdx[i, 0] = -1; trainIdx[i, 1] = -1; removed++; } } return removed; }RatioTest很簡單
就是把透過 2 NN的match方法取出的key points
其找到的對應key points如下:
密密麻麻,左邊影像取出了1574個key points,右邊則取出1377個
透過RatioTest的過濾,左邊濾掉了1155個key points,右邊的濾掉了1339個
這時再透過所謂的symmetrical matching scheme來處理
也就是要在match key points的結果trainIdx1與trainIdx2中
/// <summary> /// Create symMatches vector /// </summary> /// <param name="trainIdx1">match descriptor index 1</param> /// <param name="distance1">match distance value 1</param> /// <param name="trainIdx2">match descriptor index 2</param> /// <param name="distance2">match distance value 2</param> /// <param name="symMatches">return symMatches vector</param> /// <returns>return the number of symmetrical matches</returns> int SymmetryTest(Matrix<int> trainIdx1, Matrix<float> distance1, Matrix<int> trainIdx2, Matrix<float> distance2, out Matrix<float> symMatches) { symMatches = new Matrix<float>(trainIdx1.Rows, 4); int count = 0; //for all matches image1 -> image2 for (int i = 0; i < trainIdx1.Rows; i++) { //ignore deleted matches if (trainIdx1[i, 0] == -1 && trainIdx1[i, 1] == -1) { continue; } //for all matches image2 -> image1 for (int j = 0; j < trainIdx2.Rows; j++) { //ignore deleted matches if (trainIdx2[j, 0] == -1 && trainIdx2[j, 1] == -1) { continue; } //Match symmetry test //if (trainIdx1[i, 0] == trainIdx2[j, 1] && // trainIdx1[i, 1] == trainIdx2[j, 0]) if (trainIdx1[i, 0] == j && trainIdx2[j, 0] == i) { symMatches[i, 0] = j; symMatches[i, 1] = i; symMatches[i, 2] = distance1[i, 0]; symMatches[i, 3] = distance1[i, 1]; count++; break; } } } return count; }簡單說就是在以左邊影像為基準時,然後去找出位於右邊影像的對應點中
這裡要找出兩個結果中,有互相匹配的key points
假設在trainIdx1中有一組配對是左邊影像的第105的key point對應到右邊影像的第333的key point
而在trainIdx2中,如果有找到一組匹配是右邊影像的第333的key point對應到左邊影像的第105的key point
雙邊匹配的結果剩下158個key points
最後將symmetrical matching scheme的結果帶入RANSACTest
/// <summary> /// Identify good matches using RANSAC /// </summary> /// symmetrical matches /// keypoint1 /// keypoint2 /// the number of symmetrical matches MatrixRANSACTest(Matrix matches, VectorOfKeyPoint keyPoints1, VectorOfKeyPoint keyPoints2, int matchesNumber) { Matrix selPoints1 = new Matrix (matchesNumber, 2); Matrix selPoints2 = new Matrix (matchesNumber, 2); int selPointsIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < matches.Rows; i++) { if (matches[i, 0] == 0 && matches[i, 1] == 0) { continue; } //Get the position of left keypoints float x = keyPoints1[(int)matches[i, 0]].Point.X; float y = keyPoints1[(int)matches[i, 0]].Point.Y; selPoints1[selPointsIndex, 0] = x; selPoints1[selPointsIndex, 1] = y; //Get the position of right keypoints x = keyPoints2[(int)matches[i, 1]].Point.X; y = keyPoints2[(int)matches[i, 1]].Point.Y; selPoints2[selPointsIndex, 0] = x; selPoints2[selPointsIndex, 1] = y; selPointsIndex++; } Matrix fundamentalMatrix = new Matrix (3, 3); //IntPtr status = CvInvoke.cvCreateMat(1, matchesNumber, MAT_DEPTH.CV_8U); Matrix status = new Matrix (1, matchesNumber); //Compute F matrix from RANSAC matches CvInvoke.cvFindFundamentalMat( selPoints1, //points in first image selPoints2, //points in second image fundamentalMatrix, //fundamental matrix CV_FM.CV_FM_RANSAC, //RANSAC method this._Distance, //Use 3.0 for default. The parameter is used for RANSAC method only. this._Confidence, //Use 0.99 for default. The parameter is used for RANSAC or LMedS methods only. status);//The array is computed only in RANSAC and LMedS methods. if (this._RefineF) { matchesNumber = 0; for (int i = 0; i < status.Cols; i++) { if (status[0, i] == 1) { matchesNumber++; } } selPoints1 = new Matrix (matchesNumber, 2); selPoints2 = new Matrix (matchesNumber, 2); int statusIndex = -1; selPointsIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < matches.Rows; i++) { if (matches[i, 0] == 0 && matches[i, 1] == 0) { continue; } statusIndex++; if (status[0, statusIndex] == 1) { //Get the position of left keypoints float x = keyPoints1[(int)matches[i, 0]].Point.X; float y = keyPoints1[(int)matches[i, 0]].Point.Y; selPoints1[selPointsIndex, 0] = x; selPoints1[selPointsIndex, 1] = y; //Get the position of right keypoints x = keyPoints2[(int)matches[i, 1]].Point.X; y = keyPoints2[(int)matches[i, 1]].Point.Y; selPoints2[selPointsIndex, 0] = x; selPoints2[selPointsIndex, 1] = y; selPointsIndex++; } } status = new Matrix (1, matchesNumber); //Compute F matrix from RANSAC matches CvInvoke.cvFindFundamentalMat( selPoints1, //points in first image selPoints2, //points in second image fundamentalMatrix, //fundamental matrix CV_FM.CV_FM_RANSAC, //RANSAC method this._Distance, //Use 3.0 for default. The parameter is used for RANSAC method only. this._Confidence, //Use 0.99 for default. The parameter is used for RANSAC or LMedS methods only. status);//The array is computed only in RANSAC and LMedS methods. } return fundamentalMatrix; }
這裡一樣透過CvInvoke.cvFindFundamentalMat的方法來取出fundamental matrix
然後以此新的點資訊再計算一次fundamental matrix
這時候我們可以利用前幾篇的方法把key points和epipolar lines畫出來
可以對比一下左右兩張影像所取出的key points
而這些key points也都落在epipolar lines上面
也從原先的SURF feature detector擷取出的一千多個key points
收斂至122個key points
下一篇將接續討論如何利用key points計算兩張影像的homography